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Employee Loyalty is Not a Given – It Has To Be Earned (Learn How)

May 21, 2020

When it comes to retaining your great employees, it is critical to earn their loyalty for you/your brand. But if you think that being a big brand does it all, you might want to think twice. Employee loyalty and love are never a given, you have to take up a few measures to earn it. 

This blog post is dedicated to some tips and tricks that can help businesses earn their employee loyalty and make their brand more trustworthy & a better place to be. 

Listed are the top 5 ways that will help you gain more trust, love and respect of your employees. 

1. Enhance Your Employees Experience

Being a company’s owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure that you’re making the overall employee experience better. To enhance your employee’s experience at work it is critical to hire the better, more humble managers, an experienced, and professional HR Head and other leading posts in your company. 

How a new member will perceive your company will depend upon how you treat your existing staff and how the managers, or team leaders treat their juniors. 

2. Regular Appreciation

Everyone who works in any of the fields or industry seeks appreciation from the society, fans or their bosses. Thus, it’s your responsibility to appreciate your employees every now and then, and reward them for better performance. 

Not just performance or revenue, but you should also promote and encourage them if they are humble, driven, dedicated or just regular and attentive towards their attendance. It can be anything. Just look for the right qualities your employees have, and mention it in front of the whole team to appreciate them. 

3. Listen & Support

A good company is built with good employees, and good employees will stay only when you’re good with them. One of the best ways to maintain employee loyalty is to listen to their problems and provide support to employees when they need it. To listen to their issues and suggestions, you can put a complaint/suggestion box in the office, or conduct surveys or even one-on-one meetings to listen to what your valuable employees have to say.

You can also hire a support team or manager who will listen and solve all your employees issues and keep them satisfied. 

4. Give Them Freedom

Sometimes to earn your employees trust and loyalty, you need to make their opinion matter. This you can do by sharing control of decisions and creativity with your team. By valuing their ideas and encouraging their innovation, you can not just earn their loyalty but also might see a boost in the overall productivity of your team and the revenue of your business. 

Moreover, it will also build their confidence and sense of security.

5. Be Equal To All

Being impartial is one of the best ways to maintain employee loyalty towards you and your company. Not just to earn loyalty but also earn respect and love of your staff. No special treatments to anyone. Everyone’s the same for you. 

Once you start doing this, you will see the difference almost instantly. People will recommend your brand to their friends and family who are looking for a job

Sure, you can implement more ways and interesting ideas to let your employees love, respect and trust you. Let us know what other thoughts you have in the comment section below.