Software Development

Software Development

Our clients trust us for their requirements related to software developers. We offer talented and skilled professionals involved in all aspects of software development from designing to testing. AOP HR consulting has been efficiently sourcing temporary, contract and permanent employees for companies all over the nation since starting. Our firm enables a client company to empower its software development team.

AOP Hr Consulting ensures that a candidate is placed in the most suitable position in his desired job. Our motto is to fulfill the needs of a person and guide him towards the path of success and get flourishing and bright position in his career and life. This is effectively carried out by meeting with the chosen candidates and counselling them.

Below are some of the services that our company offers for Software recruitments along with customized services crafted to meet the specific needs of software firms in the current scenario.

  • Temporary staffing solutions
  • Software development staff augmentation
  • Permanent staffing solutions
  • Recruitment process outsourcing
  • Project-Based Staffing